The Bioliterature Project


Our goal is to enhance the way biological research is published by making published data and papers freely accessible, and to provide the opportunity for comments on submitted papers by scientists.   To demonstrate the power of this approach we have created a public repository for biological manuscripts and are launching several scientific journals.

Our Model
How To Publish

To publish papers follow the following steps:

1)Register yourself with the server.  (Only scientific papers will be considered from registered users; registration is free).

2) Choose Submit a Paper.

3) Agree to our copyright terms which essentially states that the authors retain copyright, but that The Bioliterature Project is given a non-exclusive license to freely distribute the work.

4) Upload the paper (most formats are supported but html format is preferred)

5) Indicate to which Journal/Editor the paper will be submitted.

How to Comment

1) Register yourself with the server.  (Only scientific papers will be considered from registered users; registration is free).

2) Find the paper you would like to comment.

3) Select the paper for comments.

4) Select "Make comments" and then make your comments, good scientific etiquette must be observed.

Add comments to a paper (login to the repository-- registered users only)
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Insights in Biology, a new review Journal
Biodiscoveries , a new premier journal for bioligists


This site is sponsored by  Regenerative Sciences Institute .  If you have comments or suggestions, email us at